



The most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen can have very strong clean energy credentials.

氢 has the highest energy content of any* fuel we use today and yet, 燃烧后, 它没有排放或污染物, offering the potential to decarbonise several sectors. 国际能源署的一份报告强调,最近的发展为氢解决方案带来了前所未有的动力,以帮助实现清洁能源, 安全、负担得起的能源未来. 一些人认为,氢有可能帮助实现《10bet十博网址》中减少二氧化碳排放的承诺2 到2050年,排放量减少60%.

氢可以帮助风力, 太阳能和能源结构中的其他能源共同确保低排放,并消除许多清洁能源所面临的供需差距. Some countries and industries have already embraced the potential; next year in Japan, 2020年奥运会被称为“氢奥运会”,因为氢提供了全部的能源供应.

苏格兰 is investigating the use of hydrogen for their ferry fleets. Australia is developing a national hydrogen strategy to become a major player by 2030. 美国太空计划, 美国国家航空航天局, 使用液态氢推动航天飞机和其他火箭进入轨道,同时使用氢燃料电池为航天飞机的电力系统提供动力,从而产生纯净水,为宇航员提供水分.

绿色的氢, as the name suggests, is created using renewable sources. 以这种方式发展, 氢成为一种更灵活的燃料,可以像传统的石油资源一样储存起来供以后使用. Fuel cells are often compared to batteries and they operate best on hydrogen. 氢燃料电池的动力可以驱动从汽车到货运火车的各种各样的马达——我们的整个地面交通基础设施可以通过氢来彻底改变,以消除交通排放. 据估计,到2030年,这一数字将增至1.500万辆出租车, 700 k航天飞机, 400万辆送货卡车可能会以这种方式提供动力,确保城市变得更清洁、更健康.

Renewable sources like wind or solar cannot produce energy all the time, but their electric power can produce hydrogen that can be stored and transported, 提供更可预测的供应. 氢 can be stored as either a liquid or a gas. Produced in large quantities it is usually pressurised as a gas then stored in caverns, 气田, subsea infrastructure or mines before being piped to the consumer in the same way as natural gas.

* U.S. 能源情报署

The environmental impact and efficiency of hydrogen depends on how it is produced, 电或热可以为这个过程提供动力,但如果动力来源是化石燃料,那么环境效益只有在排放被捕获和储存的情况下才能实现.

With a strong hydrogen past, we have a good view on the future

At Wood, our experience in the opportunities and challenges of hydrogen is decades long. Our trailblazing process technology team are global market leaders and, 60多年来, have been supplying steam reformer fired heaters that produce hydrogen by catalytic reaction. 近年来, 我们正在探索如何利用新技术,通过清洁氢来支持全球脱碳努力.

氢 can be a useful by-product from the carbon capture process, 将环保活动货币化. 在2018年底, 我们获得了石油和天然气气候倡议(OGCI)的合同,为一个具有碳捕获的工业工厂提供概念设计,包括以低成本提供大量清洁氢气.

Wood is pioneering the use of hydrogen to decarbonise transport. 最近,我们被选为英国政府的资助,以开发和证明我们最新的设计, ensuring that Wood continues to be at the cutting edge of clean hydrogen production. 该项目着眼于 实际和经济可行性 of using island wind farms to produce zero-carbon green hydrogen fuel for ferries.

When hydrogen is used in an on-board fuel cell, the only emission is water vapour. If the project is successful, it will be the world’s first sea-going green hydrogen ferry.

Wood is also exploring gas networks and how better to use hydrogen. 例如, with 82% of the energy used to heat buildings in the United Kingdom supplied via gas networks, there are huge rewards to be gained in the decarbonisation of the domestic heating market. 伍德目前正在参与工程工作和示范项目,以证明氢气在天然气网络中的有效性.

国际能源署的报告确定了几个短期内扩大氢能源的机会和建议, and the ongoing rapid reduction in the costs of wind, 太阳能和电解技术正引起人们对绿色氢生产的兴趣. 这可能是局部的, 在哪里,风能和/或太阳能资源可以通过氢气供暖和运输来满足当地的能源需求. 有趣的是, 在氢运输成本更低的地方,批量生产也可能变得可行. 这样一来,低成本的绿色氢就可以从澳大利亚北部等可再生资源丰富的地区出口到亚洲等需求中心.




A traditional way - hydrogen reforming technology

氢 is found in many organic compounds, notably the hydrocarbons that make up fuels like natural gas, 汽油, 丙烷和甲醇. 除了化石资源, these compounds can be sourced from biomass and methane from waste processing plants. 氢可以通过在催化剂床上蒸汽存在的情况下加热从碳氢化合物中分离出来,这一过程被称为蒸汽重整. Wood has significant experience in this space designated as grey hydrogen. 灰氢计划可以通过安装碳捕获和储存系统来增强,使其成为所谓的蓝氢.

我们久经考验的制氢装置设计不断更新和改进,以提供市场上任何重整装置的最高可靠性. Our technology has been selected for more than 120 氢与合成 世界各地的天然气厂, with a total installed capacity of more than 3.5百万Nm3/h氢气. 我们有广泛的经验基础, with feedstocks ranging from natural gas to naphtha, and plant capacities ranging in size from 3,000至200多人,000 Nm3 /小时.


我们独特的露台墙™重整炉的特点是扁平火焰燃烧布置和斜壁辐射截面设计,使催化剂管寿命长(通常超过100),000 hours) and delivers the flexibility to extend a reformer’s operating envelope. This often allows production of hydrogen in excess of the unit’s design capacity, which may in turn deliver additional economic benefits.

我们的转化装置可以使用超低氮氧化物燃烧器,以满足全球日益严格的环境排放标准. We can also extend our support developing detailed engineering, 材料和施工的交付, and a wide range of aftermarket activities like training to operators, assessment studies for existing hydrogen unit and hydrogen network, 故障排除, 机组性能监控, CFD分析.





wind turbine generator could supply the required hydrogen for the Barra to Eriskay route


turbines would be required on the Isle of Lewis for the crossing to the mainland

Moving towards a low-carbon transport solution with hydrogen

服务于西部群岛和苏格兰西海岸的渡轮可能很快就会由陆上岛屿风力发电产生的氢气提供动力. The Scottish Western Isles Ferry Transport Using 氢 (SWIFTH2) project, 由Point and Sandwick Trust牵头,与包括Wood, and partfunded by the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.

该研究评估了在西部群岛的9条渡轮航线上部署氢动力客运渡轮的可行性. Various aspects including local available renewable energy resource, 规划的约束, challenges associated with the production of hydrogen, and the refuelling requirements of each ferry route were studied.

他们发现一个4.3MW wind turbine generator could supply the required hydrogen for the Barra to Eriskay route, while 15 turbines would be required on the Isle of Lewis for the crossing to the mainland. 用氢燃料船取代Barra至Eriskay和Stornoway至Ullapool航线,估计可节省约676和21个碳排放,815 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per annum respectively, 加起来相当于拿走了将近5个,每年有1000辆汽车驶离公路.

Wood’s clean energy team played a key role in the project by coordinating the SWIFTH2 consortium, 承担 可行性评估, and compiling the feasibility study report. 自报告发布以来, the study has featured in the UK Government Department for Transport Clean Maritime Plan 2019. 该项目的下一阶段是对两条渡轮路线和相关岛屿进行详细的可行性研究.

碳捕获 Technical Lead / Principal Consultant
Azad Hessamodini
Executive President of Consulting business