
Transformational technology to put air travel on a flight path towards a net-zero future

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  • Transformational technology to put air travel on a flight path towards a net-zero future
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Huge advances have been made in the electrification of cars using batteries. Manufacturers globally are re-writing business plans and transforming their factories to assemble models for a world where the electric car replaces the internal combustion engine.

But where batteries fall short is in the heavy transport and aviation sectors. 今年早些时候, the UK aviation industry reaffirmed its joint commitment to net-zero by setting out its first interim decarbonisation milestones.  These targets show the sector’s clear intention to drive rapid decarbonisation with a 15% reduction in emissions by 2030 and 40% by 2040.  实现这些雄心勃勃的目标, ingenuity in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is vital to provide a viable, 短期的解决方案可以建立早期的势头.


这一点得到了英国航空业的认可, who called on government to provide a demand signal and price support that could help to turbo-charge the development of a SAF industry, with a target of up to 14 plants generating sustainable fuel from household, 到2030年代中期,工业废物和生物基原料.  在美国, the Biden administration is also setting targets to help boost SAF production to shift the aviation industry away from using traditional petroleum-based jet fuel. 本月初, the White House has set in motion efforts to build up the complete biofuels value chain – from sustainable feedstock production through renewable fuels production and end use in aviation and transportation driving for 20% lower aviation emissions by 2030

The development of these fuels is already technically possible but working together is paramount. Wood k现在s the important role that partnerships will play in unlocking access to new and innovative energy frontiers and is working with long-standing partner, 霍尼韦尔UOP, 结合我们的技术来生产碳中和产品, 甚至是负碳, 可以改变航空业的可再生燃料.

霍尼韦尔UOP的Ecofining™工艺转化不可食用的天然油脂, animal fats and other waste feedstocks to Honeywell Green Diesel™ and Honeywell Green Jet Fuel™, which are chemically identical to their petroleum-based counterparts.  这个过程需要大量的氢气和, 在氢气领域有超过60年的经验, Wood’s Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) technology is combined with Ecofining™ to produce the biofuels. These fuels not only offer improved performance over commercial petroleum-based diesel and jet fuels but can be used as a drop-in replacement in vehicles and aircraft with no equipment modifications. 在某些情况下, the final product has a freeze point at or below -40°C and a flash point at or above 38°C. 这使得它作为一种稳定的航空燃料特别有用, 安全负责地, 将人和产品运送到世界各地.

支持能源转型, novel project delivery models are just as critical to process technology. UOP and Wood have developed approaches which can significantly reduce project delivery timeframes from those of traditional models. This collective offering is modular and therefore easy to transport providing enhanced price and schedule certainty.  Our clients can dictate their own schedule with this flexible solution which could become key in helping them start to drive emissions reduction and reposition their operations to align with a net-zero future.


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We are currently delivering our first project together at the Omega Green production facility in Paraguay. 这是南美洲第一个先进的生物燃料项目, 霍尼韦尔UOP is using the Ecofining™ process with our hydrogen plant technology to produce up to 20,可再生柴油和航空燃料的日产量为1万桶.  It is expected to be the largest private investment in a single project in the country’s history with the construction phase creating more than 3,000个工作岗位,另有2个,400 direct and indirect jobs to be created when the plant is fully operational. 估计超过20人,000 smallholder family farms will benefit from social certification programmes to produce and supply the feedstocks for the plant.


这是一个采用成熟技术的完美例子, combining and customising them for a new application with a transformational result, 传递环保讯息, 社会效益和经济效益.

Collaborative partnerships are vital to the success and development of technology for a net-zero future. 创新需要合作. We live in a world where the pace of technology moves forward at a phenomenal rate.

One of the most exciting benefits of collaboration is the opportunity to overcome obstacles together, 当它不可能独立存在时.

自新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球以来, the aviation industry has had to quickly adapt and respond to a constant flux of new regulations and restrictions to the way it operates.  它被迫求助于技术进步, 例如在清洁和空调系统中, 阻止病毒的传播.

Another symptom of the pandemic has been to crystalise the urgency of decarbonisation, 不仅仅是在航空业, 但在各个行业和世界范围内.  The demand for diesel and jet fuel continues to grow globally andthe desire to travel is not going away.  但社会希望旅行更可持续,and it is our responsibility toalign air travel to be ready for a net-zero world.  如果我们做对了, we will safeguard the industry’s licence to operate and the opportunity for future generations to enjoy the privilege of exploring the world.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.