

Industrial clusters show the power of cooperation and collaboration in achieving decarbonisation targets

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经理,中游 & 液化天然气

随着脱碳技术和解决方案的不断发展, 全球和区域合作形成大规模, 低碳产业集群将是开启净零未来的关键.

2021年世界经济论坛今天闭幕, with Davos Agenda focusing on the theme of advancing global and regional cooperation to achieve sustainability targets, 特别是在推动负责任的产业转型和增长方面. Collaboration is not just being driven by policy – business and industry leaders are intrinsic to these needed solutions. 就在上周, Elon Musk announced he is looking to help push technological advances by offering a $100m prize for the best carbon capture technology and taking proactive steps. Wood的中游和液化天然气经理, 托尼·塔兰特和碳捕获领导, 苏西弗格森, share their view on the regional partnerships and cross-industry collaborations in industrial clusters that are enabling transformational technical innovation needed to solve industrial emissions.

主要产业集群包括钢铁等能源密集型产业, cement and chemicals play a significant role in the economics and local employment of a region or country. 一个国家要实现净零排放目标, whilst continuing to deliver energy to people’s homes and to manufacture the products that allow their economy to grow, 这些碳排放大国需要 脱碳的长期路线图.

而不是污染问题, large-scale industrial clusters that advance regional collaboration are 现在 seen as part of the solution for achieving net-zero targets.

的 关闭 proximity of so many emitters in one geographic hub brings the opportunity for them to work together, 使用公共基础设施进行收集, 压缩和储存二氧化碳(CO)2),成本较低. 例如, 在英国的提赛德, 伍德在哪里帮助英国石油公司协调净零蒂赛德计划, 有40多家制造商彼此相距不到5英里. 机会很好, 但是国家政府, local authorities and manufacturing companies will need to collaborate as never before.

的 adoption of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is particularly key in those industrial sectors where full decarbonisation is not possible via any other means because of the chemical processes that are used. 当与生物衍生原料或直接空气捕获相结合时, CCS also affords the opportunity to make the negative emissions we need to achieve net-zero targets.


与其他行业参与者合作, 政府, 监管机构, organisations and geographic regions helps make a range of complementary technologies, 可扩展的解决方案和商业模型是可能的. 还有碳捕获和储存, 这可能包括可再生能源发电的整合, 或者通过电解产生绿色氢. 英国商务部,能源部 & 工业战略(BEIS)将工业脱碳作为其五大战略之一 大挑战任务 接下来的20年. 没有使这些簇脱碳, 我们到2050年实现净零排放的希望将是不可能的.

然而, 得到不同的, 有时是跨国竞争, 系统复杂、工艺设施错综复杂的公司, 具有不同的排放概况, to adopt these new solutions and collaborate with each other alongside 政府 who equally need to champion prosperity and job creation as well as decarbonisation is no easy feat.

的 UK has several large-scale industrial clusters that are currently working on roadmaps to collaborate on decarbonisation: North East 苏格兰 and Grangemouth, 提兹塞德大学, 亨伯赛德郡, 默西塞德郡, 南威尔士和南安普敦水. But they are not the only geographical regions considering the industrial cluster approach. 鹿特丹港和阿姆斯特丹港都有各自的CO收集计划2 进入常见的收集和存储系统.

的 attraction is clear for 政府 seeking the best ‘bang for the buck’ with the investment of taxpayers’ money. If the new Biden administration in the USA follows up on its ambitions to promote decarbonisation, it might well seek to unleash the power of these proven industrial hubs in areas such as the Gulf of Mexico coast.

优化部署 碳捕获等技术, fuel-switching and renewable energy to maximise synergies across an industrial cluster to achieve deep industrial decarbonisation, has the potential to advance the energy transition and help 政府 and business alike, 赢得全球零排放竞赛.

We are a partner company in the North East 碳捕获 Usage and 存储 (NECCUS) alliance that has recently received £8m of UK Government funding to develop 苏格兰’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR). This builds on work we have undertaken for 苏格兰’s gas distribution company SGN over the last two years to understand how 氢可以作为一种无碳替代品 到家用天然气, 商业和将大型工业过程从化石燃料中转换出来. SNZR项目将使用我们的理解 蓝色和绿色氢 建立东北产业集群如何实现净零排放的模型.

亨伯零号项目 on the south bank of the River Humber is another example of how this is a team effort, 许多实体共同努力,以更低的成本实现更多的脱碳, 在创建新的, 熟练的工作. 更广泛的亨伯区域集群扩展到包括两个炼油厂, 一个热电联产电厂和Killingholme发电站. 当地运营商包括联合英国港口, 英国钢铁, 迅达仓储有限公司, 德拉克斯, Equinor, 三菱的权力, 国家电网风险投资公司和SSE热能公司. 的 decarbonisation scheme we’ve developed includes installation of carbon capture facilities to some units, hydrogen refuelling to other units and a redistribution of steam and fuel gas between facilities. 进一步扩大低碳集群发展效益, Humber Zero is working 关闭ly with operators at Saltend on the north bank of the Humber, 和SSE, 英国钢铁公司和德拉克斯公司向西进军, 创造了英国最大的单一集群.

当我们走向零净之路的时候, 路上肯定会有一些错误的转弯或错过的机会. But it’s clear that cross-border and industry collaboration is required to solve many of the k现在n and unk现在n issues that have still to be fully understood. 然而, we can be certain that in the net-zero race there can’t be just one winner: we must work together so that we and the future generations are all winners.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.